Founding Story
How Picstar came about
After several years of remote work with diverse product companies in the United States and Europe, our founder, Bohdan Murtazaaliiev, recognized a growing trend in international hiring. This trend allowed companies to discover highly qualified specialists abroad at more cost-effective rates. However, the primary challenge that persisted was sourcing and hiring these professionals.

In response, he established Picstar to empower companies in breaking down hiring barriers, ensuring that anyone, regardless of their location in the world, could access new opportunities.

At Picstar, our enduring passion has always been for exceptional products that enhance our world, and we view our goal as assisting in the formation of teams capable of creating such remarkable products.
Our mission is to support the creation of outstanding products that make our world better by assisting technology companies in finding and attracting exceptional professionals.
Performance figures
A snapshot of our success in tech recruitment, showcasing our achievements and outcomes in connecting top tech talent with leading companies.
  • 97%
    Vacancy closure rate
    We consistently deliver results by closing vacancies with top talent, meeting your recruitment needs effectively.
  • 93%
    Repeat customer request rate
    Our dedication to excellence keeps clients returning to us for their talent acquisition needs, a testament to the trust we've earned.
  • 89%
    Candidate longevity rate
    Our success isn't just in filling positions; it's in ensuring candidates thrive in their roles, with an impressive 89% staying with their employers for over two years.
The team behind Picstar
Our 100% in-house team of recruitment experts will bring over 30 years of combined experience to your hiring process. Let's get acquainted.
  • Bohdan
    Founder & CEO
  • Anastasia
    Lead Technical Recruiter
  • Katerina
    Senior Technical Recruiter
  • Galina
    Technical Recruiter
  • Denis
    Senior Technical Recruiter
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© 2023 Picstar, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
  • Email:
  • 1A, Sportyvna Square, Tower B, Floor 11, Kyiv, Ukraine